We had a good audience, especially for some of the keynote events such as the public lecture.
Norman Augustine, retired CEO of Lockheed-Martin Corporation, gave an evening public lecture on the first day of the Users Meeting. He spoke about the importance of investment in basic research and education, the subject of a recent National Academy of Sciences report, Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future. As chair of the panel which produced the Gathering Storm report, he has been a strong advocate, taking his case to the Congress and the White House.
Representative Judy Biggert (R-Il) gave the opening address at the Users Meeting. She spoke forcefully about the need to support research in the physical sciences, about the President's and the Congress efforts to support research through the American Competitiveness Initiative, and about the need for scientists to get involved in supporting such efforts through regular communication with their representatives. She also spoke about the need for supporting basic research, like that done at Fermilab.
Representative Judy Biggert (R-Il) gave the opening address at the Users Meeting. She spoke forcefully about the need to support research in the physical sciences, about the President's and the Congress efforts to support research through the American Competitiveness Initiative, and about the need for scientists to get involved in supporting such efforts through regular communication with their representatives. She also spoke about the need for supporting basic research, like that done at Fermilab.
Guillelmo Ceballos, Ivan Furic, and Stephanie Menzemer (not pictured) received the 2006 Tollestrup Postdoctoral Award for their work on the CDF Bs mixing.
Jean-Francois Arguin receives the 2006 URA Thesis Award from URA President Fred Bernthal for his work on the CDF Top Quark Mass analysis.
Anadi Canepa, Mikko Voutilainen, Petteri Mehtala, and Dave Schmitz (pictured above) each gave one of four Featured Graduate Student Talks at the Users Meeting. The talks were selected from over 30 nominations in a competition to feature the work of youngsters based on their scientific accomplishments and their ability to communicate their work.
Princeton Professor and President-emeritus Harold Shapiro gave an informal report of the National Academy of Science's EPP2010 panel deliberation and conclusions. He spoke about the committee's strong support for the field of particle physics, about the need to maintain a leadership position in the world, about the committee's view of the ILC in maintaining that leadership, and the role of Fermilab.
Dr. Jon Kotcher (NSF) and Dr. Robin Staffin (DOE-HEP, pictured above), offered frank commentary on how they saw the future of particle physics shaping up in the present budget climate.
Prof. Hiro Aihara (University of Tokyo), offered perspectives in the activities in Europe, Japan, and at Fermilab.
Dr. Pier Oddone (FNAL), offered perspectives in the activities in Europe, Japan, and at Fermilab.
Students and scientists presented 46 posters during the poster session in the atrium at the end of the first day of the Users Meeting. The evening banquet, concurrent with the poster session, allowed users to enjoy good company, good food, and good science all at the same time.
Students and scientists presented 46 posters during the poster session in the atrium at the end of the first day of the Users Meeting. The evening banquet, concurrent with the poster session, allowed users to enjoy good company, good food, and good science all at the same time.
Students and scientists presented 46 posters during the poster session in the atrium at the end of the first day of the Users Meeting. The evening banquet, concurrent with the poster session, allowed users to enjoy good company, good food, and good science all at the same time.