Ali Eren Simsek
The Catholic University of America
I am a Senior Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC, and have been part of the Fermilab community since 2018. During my time as a Fermilab user, I have had the privilege of experiencing the lab through various stages, from its peak pre-COVID days (good old days), through the challenges of the pandemic, and now in the recovery phase. My research focuses on experimental particle physics, including resonance searches for new physics at hadron colliders. I also lead key efforts in detector production, particularly Tracker Forward Pixel (TFPX) module production for the CMS Phase II upgrades.
I serve as the L3 Convener of the CMS SUS Trigger group, where I lead efforts to optimize and develop triggers for physics searches, working closely with analysis groups to ensure data collection aligns with the goals of the CMS experiment. Additionally, I organize weekly meetings between institutions involved in the TFPX module production, coordinating efforts across multiple universities. I have also been involved in professional engagements at Fermilab as a reviewer, such as for the USCMS PURSUE program, where I contributed feedback to support the development of early-career researchers in high-energy physics.
Beyond my research, I am passionate about scientific outreach and fostering collaboration within the high-energy physics community. Being based in Washington, DC, places me in a unique position to engage in key discussions that could help bridge the gap between lawmakers and the Fermilab science community, a crucial step for securing continued support for high-energy physics research. The annual DC trips organized by the UEC are a central avenue for this advocacy, and I believe that my location, as well as my passion for advancing the field, gives me the unique advantage of contributing to this vital outreach effort in real-time while still maintaining close ties with the Fermilab community.
I am committed to strengthening the ties between Fermilab and its diverse user community. Whether through scientific outreach, organizing meetings, or mentoring the next generation of physicists, I hope to contribute to Fermilab’s continued success. My goal is to ensure that Fermilab remains a thriving hub of scientific excellence, ensuring that all users, whether on-site or remote, have the resources and support they need to perform at their best.
It’s an honor to be nominated for the UEC, and I look forward to the opportunity to represent and serve the Fermilab user community, helping to ensure that we continue to thrive both scientifically and collaboratively.