To support and enhance Fermilab’s education and public engagement efforts; including mentoring; and to make volunteering and mentoring opportunities more broadly available among the Fermilab community. We also hope to further recognize those of us that choose to serve.
Subcommittee Members 2024-2025
Adam lyon, chair (Fermilab) |
Jaehoon Yu, deputy (University of Texas) |
Contact on Fermilab Student & Postdoc Association (FSPA)
Olivia Bitter (University of Chicago) |
Tom Murphy (Syracuse University) |
Contacts to Fermilab’s Organization
Education and Public Engagement | Rebecca Thompson (Head) Spencer Pasero (Deputy Head) |
In The News
- Fermilab Office of Education and Public Engagement gets a new name and a new strategic plan
- Education and public engagement: a virtual year in review and upcoming Family Open House
- A recap of Fermilab Family Open House: Virtual Edition
Events and Volunteer Opportunities for Education and Public Engagement at Fermilab
Volunteers play a key role in the success of outreach and education programs at the lab. There are many ways you can help and support our program. If you are a Fermilab user or employee and are interested to contribute to lab’s education and public engagement efforts, please contact Manolis Kargiantoulakis and Alexx Perloff with your interests. Please also contact us if you would like to share your ideas on education and public engagement or would like to provide feedback on existing programs, we very much welcome your input.
Events and Opportunities
- FAPA LRG is hosting a workshop on “Managing Your Career with Assertive Communication”, July 21, 3 – 4:30 pm, provided by Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics (LEAP).
- The EDI Team is accepting job submissions from anyone interested in serving as an internship supervisor for Summer 2023. The Fermilab internship programs that will be held virtually include:
SIST – Summer Internships In Science and Technology (undergraduate sophomores and juniors)
SQMS Internship Program (undergraduate sophomores and juniors)
LBNF/DUNE Far Site Internship (South Dakota) (undergraduate sophomores and juniors)
UChicago Metcalf, Odyssey, Provost and Innovation Scholars Program (undergraduate freshman, sophomores and juniors)
CCI – Community College Internships (DOE)
SULI – Summer Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (DOE) (undergraduate sophomores and juniors)
VFP – Visiting Faculty Program (DOE)
Please go here to visit the internship website for program details. The job submission deadline is February 26th and you can complete the form here. If you have any additional questions or concerns please email TAinternships@fnal.gov. - The Hispanic/Latino Lab Resource Group (LRG) will be hosting a STEM high school conference in early May and is seeking volunteers to donate their time to connect with interested students. Please email Minerba Betancourt or Leonidas Aliaga Soplin if you are interested in participating!
- Become a mentor for Boeing’s STEM Signing Day! Click this link to complete application or download a pdf and send completed version to stemsigningday@projectexploration.org. Please complete the application by March 4th.
- What is STEM Signing Day? Just like college signing days for athletes, Boeing’s Chicago STEM Signing Day celebrates outstanding high school seniors from around the state as they make their commitments to education programs focusing on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
Coming up!
- Earth Day celebrations week – Attend talks on sustainability, ecology and environmental justice: https://eshq.fnal.gov/atwork/earth/
- 03/11 @ 12:30pm – Intercultural Development Inventory
Useful Links
- Fermilab User University Profiles
- Fermilab Outreach
- Fermilab Education
- CMS & ATLAS Outreach