UEC Nominee for 2019-2021 Term: Evan Niner

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Evan Niner


I have been a member of the Fermilab community since 2010, working first as a graduate student on the NOvA experiment.  Since that time I have experienced life as both an on and off-site user, and now lab employee.  In my current role as a deputy coordinator for the Fermilab Test Beam Facility I interact with hundreds of users each year, often whose only interaction with the lab is short test beam runs, to facilitate the success of their experiments.  The UEC plays an important role in advising on the culture and environment of the Fermilab community.  I am interested in serving on the committee to help find a balance between the needs of both the long term users and those who come only for a couple of weeks for a small scale experiment.  It is important to make sure all users feel engaged and supported so we can continue to grow as a community and build relationships that allow users to feel comfortable and excited about the prospect of coming back for many years.  I have been active over the years serving in a variety of leadership capacities on the NOvA and DUNE experiments, interacting with the community through the Saturday Morning Physics and MINOS underground tour programs, and mentor students through a variety of the lab’s programs.  From these experiences, I think I can bring an open ear and mind to the UEC and perspective on many different user experiences and I look forward to working to improve the quality of life and user experience for everyone who interacts with the lab.