Sandra Biedron
Colorado University |
9/13 – 8/15 |
Government Relations (chair)
Quality of Life |
Tulika Bose
Boston University |
9/13 – 8/15 |
Government Relations
Users Meeting
Outreach and Education |
Fernanda G. Garcia
fgarcia@fnal.gov Fermilab |
9/14 – 8/16 |
Government Relations
Users Meeting
Quality of Life |
Andre de Gouvea
degouvea@fnal.gov Northwestern University |
9/13 – 8/15 |
Outreach and Education (chair)
Users Meeting |
Fabio Happacher
fabhap@fnal.gov INFN |
9/14 – 8/16 |
Quality of Life (deputy)
Government Relations
Users Meeting |
Bill Lee
billl@fnal.gov Fermilab |
9/13 – 8/15 |
Users Meeting (chair)
Quality of Life |
Bill Louis (chairperson)
louis@lanl.gov LANL |
9/14 – 8/16 |
UEC chair |
Vivian O’Dell
odell@fnal.gov Fermilab |
9/13 – 8/15 |
Government Relations
Users Meeting
Outreach and Education |
Jesus Orduna
jjesus@fnal.gov Brown University |
9/14 – 8/16 |
Government Relations (deputy)
Users Meeting
Outreach and Education |
Bradley L. Roberts
roberts@bu.edu Boston University |
9/13 – 8/15 |
Government Relations |
Marcelle Soares-Santos
marcelle@fnal.gov Fermilab |
9/13 – 8/15 |
Quality of Life (chair)
Users Meeting |
Linda Spentzouris
linda@agni.phys.iit.edu IIT |
9/14 – 8/16 |
Outreach and Education (deputy)
Government Relations |
Thomas Strauss
9/14 – 8/16 |
Users Meeting (deputy)
Government Relations
Quality of Life |