UEC Nominee for 2023-2025 Term: Prabhjot Singh

Prabhjot Singh
Queen Mary University of London


I am currently a postdoc at the Queen Mary University of London working on the NOvA experiment and based here at the Fermilab. I feel proud to say that my association with the lab and the NOvA experiment completes 10 years this year, first as a masters student, then as a PhD exchange visitor and now as a postdoc. I came to Fermilab first time in 2014 as a PhD student and stayed here for three and a half years. Fermilab completely changed my life. I was never a person of dreams, always living a day to day life without realizing what I can achive in life. The quality of work at the lab with world class scientists, changed my perspective of life. Now I also dream of becoming a scientist at the lab. I am sure my dream will come to be true one day.

I have never been a part of any Users or student and postdoc committees till now because I had never put myself on the front to try it with an assumption that it will never work for me. But now I have decided to never say no to myself and always to try with my best efforts. That is why I am contesting this year to became a member of the Users committee. I really appreciate the work of all previous members of the UEC who have always tried and achived their best to give us a good quality of life at the lab. I also appreciate the work done by all the members in making annual Users meetings always a successful platform of opportunity for the community to present their work in safe and sound environment. I would me extremely glad if I were chosen to be a part of the UEC to give my best to further improve the quality of life at the lab. Thank you all in advance.