The Fermilab Users Organization is an organization of scientists and engineers currently engaged in advancing our understanding of the nature of matter and energy. These Users anticipate needing significant resources from the Laboratory to conduct basic research in particle physics, astrophysics, the development of accelerators and their inter-relationship. Its purpose is to provide a forum for discussion of scientific and administrative matters relevant to the organization and functions of the Laboratory. In particular, it should play an important advisory role in determining the relationship of outside Users to the Laboratory and the support they will have in implementing their experimental programs.
News and events
Upcoming events
Users Meeting July 2025
Past events
February 22, 2022
Brown Bag with the Fermilab Directorate
Zoom, 12:00 pm CST — Come learn about the evolving plans for restart of our in-person operations and research in the new normal.
February 22, 2022
UEC/FSPA Meet and Greet Event
Zoom, 11:00 am CST — Come say hello, learn about the UEC/FSPA and our plans, and enter a raffle for a chance to win a prize. All are welcome!
Previous years
September 21st-October 3rd, 2021
UEC 2021-2023 Nominations & Elections
August 2-6th, 2021
54th Annual Users Meeting (virtual)
January 22, 2020
UEC Meet and Greet Event
Zoom, 3:30 pm CST — Come say hello, learn about the UEC and our plans, and enter a raffle for a chance to win prizes. All are welcome!
August 17th-October 23rd, 2020
UEC 2020-2022 Nominations & Elections
August 24-25th, 2020
New Perspectives 2.0 (virtual)
August 10-13th, 2020
53rd Annual Users Meeting (virtual)
July 20-21, 2020
New Perspectives 2020 (virtual)
January 17, 2020
UEC Meet and Greet Event
Fermilab Art Gallery (WH2XO), 3 pm CST — Come say hello, learn about the UEC and our plans, and enter a raffle for a chance to win prizes. All are welcome!
June 12-13, 2019
52nd Annual Fermilab Users Meeting 2019
June 10-11, 2019
New Perspectives 2019
April 16, 2019
FSPA Spring Potluck & Egg Hunt
Users Center, starting at 5.30pm
March 29, 2019
Journeys: Path to the Academy by Roy Clark, PhD Marcellus L. Wiedenbeck Collegiate Professor, University of Michigan
Wilson Hall One West, 12 pm to 1:00 pm CDT (refreshments provided from 11:30 am)
February 15, 2019
Journeys: Path to the Academy by Assoc. Professor of Physics Christine Aidala, University of Michigan
Wilson Hall One West, 12 pm to 1:00 pm CDT (refreshments provided from 11:30 am)
February 08, 2019
FSPA Chinese New Year party: Year of the Pig
Kuhn Barn, 6:00 pm CST Food and beverages will be provided, suggested $5 donations
February 03, 2019
Super Bowl LIII viewing party
Users Center, 4:00 pm CST (kick-off 5:30 pm: New England Patriots vs. Los Angeles Rams) — optional $10 all-you-can-eat buffet
January 18, 2019
UEC Meet and Greet Event
Fermilab Art Gallery (WH2XO), 3 pm CST — Come say hello, learn about the UEC and our plans, and enter a raffle for a chance to win prizes. All are welcome!
December 12, 2018
FSPA Holiday Celebration
Users Center, 6:30 pm CST
November 20, 2018
FSPA International Thanksgiving Potluck
Users Center, 6 pm CST — bring a dish to share; something from your home country is especially welcome!
November 15, 2018
Best Practices for Non-binary Inclusion in the Workplace presented by the Employee/User Assistance Program
Webinar, 2 pm to 3:00 pm CST
August 13 – August 24, 2018
UEC Election 2018
August 10, 2018
“Don’t talk about it, be about it”: Ally is a verb by Dr. S. Simmons, Educator and Consultant, Simmons Counseling and Consulting Services
Wilson Hall One West, 12 pm to 1:10 pm CDT (food provided from 11:30 am)
July 23, 2018
Diversity and Inclusion: How to Actively Engage by Dr. Jesús Pando (Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Physics, DePaul University)
Ramsey Auditorium, 12 pm to 1:20 pm CDT (food provided)
June 20-21, 2018
51st Annual Fermilab Users Meeting 2018
Kicking off Fermilab’s next 50 years: the 51st Fermilab Annual Users Meeting
In photos: Fermilab Users Meeting 2018 (article)
Users Meeting 2018 Photos: Day One | Poster Session | Day Two
June 18-19, 2018
New Perspectives 2018
June 15, 2018
EDI 101: Introduction to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion by Charee Mosby-Holloway (Director of Student D&I, Columbia College Chicago)
Ramsey Auditorium, 12 pm to 1:30 pm CDT (food provided)
February 13, 2018
Interaction: Fermilab employees and users enjoy UEC Meet-and-Greet
Pictures from the UEC Meet-and-Greet event.
December 6, 2017
Users Executive Committee works toward increased interaction with Fermilab Users
Useful information
The DPF drives the U.S. particle physics community planning process, connects to other divisions and to a broader international community, and provides networking and resources for its members (for example, student travel support to meetings). The more DPF members we can engage, the more APS resources we have access to, and the stronger our community will be. International members are very welcome. Information on how to check your unit membership is below.
In particular, currently the DPF is organizing a response to the European Strategy Group’s call for scientific white papers. DPF will also be organizing the next “Snowmass” community planning process, for which activities will start next year.
The DPF Executive Committee
APS Unit Membership Information
Here are general benefits of APS membership:
If you are not an APS member, you can join here:
Students can join at a reduced rate, and for free for their first year:
If you are already an APS member, and you are not sure if you are also a DPF member, you can check whether you are by doing the following:
Go to the member page:
Sign in at “My member profile”, and click on the “membership” tab. To add a unit, click on the “Add Unit” button.
Dear Colleagues,
I am writing to request that you answer the survey on the journal Physical Review D that is available at the web site:
This survey will give input to a review of Physical Review D that the APS is carrying out this fall. The survey should take you less than 10 minutes to complete. Your reply to the survey will be anonymous.
We are in a period of rapid change in scientific journal publishing. Almost everyone now uses eprint publication. CERN is officially supporting Open Access publication through SCOAP3*. Many people say that journals are irrelevant, and yet still they send their papers to journals. Journals that were formerly regional are now global, with almost equal contributions from the Americas, Europe, and Asia.
As a part of our review of Physical Review D, we would like to know what your thoughts are about these changing situations. How are Physical Review D and other journals that you read or publish in adapting to the new environment? What should Physical Review D be doing to move forward? We would very much appreciate receiving your opinions.
If you would like to express your ideas at greater length (but not anonymously), please send our committee email at
We would like to give this survey wide distribution. We would appreciate a response even if your scientific interests and publications only partially overlap with Physical Review D. Please pass this request along to any colleagues (especially, in other regions) who might wish to contribute. We apologize if you receive this request from multiple sources.
Thank you,
Michael Peskin (Chair, Physical Review D review committee)

Former UEC 2020-2021. From top left: Ashley Back, Nadja Strobbe, Alexx Perloff, Aleena Rafique, Yuanyuan Zhang, Ketino Kaadze, Monica Nunes, Reddy Pratap Gandrajula, Sophie Middleton and Jonathan Asaadi, and FSPA officer Anna Hall. Not pictured: Manolis Kargiantoulakis and Isobel Ojalvo.
Have questions or comments?
Write to the UEC via the feedback form. (You may choose to be anonymous.)